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September 2012 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Sept. 20, 2012

Change to access to some parts of Four Springs Lake

Gunns Limited advise of the closure of their Four Springs property near Selbourne from 28/9/2012. This will mean an end to access arrangements through the Gunns land at Four Springs. Locks to this part of Four Springs access road will be changed and those that hold permits will be notified of this change. This closure...

The main road into Curries is getting a much needed upgrade.
Sept. 20, 2012

Curries River Reservoir road upgrade

In response to feedback from anglers about the poor condition of the access road to Curries River Reservoir IFS has funded grading and potholing of the road. Work was completed on the 13th September. IFS would like to thank Forestry Tasmania for their assistance in coordinating this project. Reports from Curries have been positive with...

The restored access point at Knights Bridge on the Meander River.
Sept. 20, 2012

Meander River Access restored

A popular access point upstream from Knights Bridge, on the C 732 Westwood Road, has been restored. Access has been blocked since the start of the season due to a log jam approximately 200 meters upstream from Westwood Road. IFS staff have cleared the track and slashed blackberries to restore upstream access. IFS would like...

Jonah Yick of IFS releasing a large brook trout into Brushy Lagoon
Sept. 20, 2012

More salmon for all regions

Over the past month (mid August to late September) the IFS has stocked several waters with Atlantic salmon, large ex-brood stock rainbow and brook trout. Craigbourne Dam has received 850 Atlantic salmon, Brushy Lagoon has received 720 Atlantic salmon, 500 rainbow trout and 60 brook trout, Lake Barrington has just been stocked with 450 Atlantic...

Sept. 12, 2012

Results of the XV Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships, Tasmania 2012

True to its name, Australia’s Gold Team was awarded Gold in the prize winner ceremony for the XV Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships, which was held at a Gala dinner hosted by the event’s major private sponsor, Country Club Tasmania on Saturday 18 February. The Australian Gold Team won first place, England second and Northern Ireland...