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September 2012 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Various forms of vandalism found near the boat ramp at Lake Catagunya.
Sept. 7, 2012

More vandalism in the highlands

Vandalism has occurred at Lake Catagunya boat ramp at Wayatinah. Signs have been shot at and trees destroyed, including driving steel spikes into the trees to hang tents on and rubbish has been left onsite. It is disappointing to have this kind of vandalism/littering occur, the trees have now had to be removed for safety....

The disappointing action of a few - ringbarked trees at Laughing Jack Lagoon.
Sept. 4, 2012

Bronte Lagoon clean up day

The second week of August 2012 saw a keen group of Bronte based anglers and community members, in addition to the local police officer from Liawenee and fisheries undertake a clean up of several waters in the Bronte/Bradys, King William, Little Pine and Lake Echo regions. This has become an annual event and is supported...

Roadside vegetation clearing will be underway at Brushy Lagoon.
Sept. 4, 2012

Vegetation clearing on Brushy Lagoon Road

Due to the popularity of Brushy Lagoon in response to recent stockings IFS engaged contractors to slash roadside foliage to improve road safety and lines of sight. This will be welcome news for anglers accessing the fishery who have commented on the amount of roadside vegetation this spring. IFS would like to thank Forestry Tasmania...

A nice sea run brown trout, these are starting to be more common as the whitebait push up the river.
Sept. 4, 2012

River Derwent starting to fire as whitebait make their way up stream

The River Derwent in the estuary section is always a popular fishery early in the season and saw quite a few boating and shore based anglers opening weekend of this season. While anglers caught a few fish opening weekend the consensus was that it was still a bit early with sea run brown trout being...