July 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

The new trout season approaches - plenty of fish out there to catch!
This is the time of year many anglers look forward to, opening of a new angling season. Season 2014/15 opens Saturday 2nd August 2014. So many are asking where is the best place to go? This year the IFS has built new traps in the Central Highlands at Arthurs Lake. What this means to anglers...

Turning circle and parking area completed at Bradys Lake
As part of the MAST/Hydro Tasmania upgrade of the Whitewater boat ramp at Bradys Lake, Central Highlands Council have completed improvements to the turning circle and widened the access road to provide space for parallel parking on both sides. Central Highlands Council’s in-kind contribution to the project is valued at $10, 000. Completion of the...

Navigation hazard removed from Lake Binney boat ramp
An inspection of the boat ramp at Lake Binney which coincided with a low lake level of -3.7 m allowed IFS staff to remove a large submerged tree from the toe of the ramp. The tree was lying across the bottom of the ramp just below the water level and could have been an unpleasant...

Notice to anglers – low lake levels require extra care when planning opening weekend fishing trips.
Due to unseasonal low lake levels at Bronte Lagoon, Bradys Lake, Lake Binney, Tungatinah Lagoon and Lake Echo, IFS has issued the following caution to anglers: Bronte Lagoon –The boat ramp at Bronte Lagoon Dam Wall is operational to -1.7 m below Full Supply Level (FSL). With the lagoon currently at -1.85 m extreme caution...

Reminder of the Lake Sorell closure for the 2014/15 angling season
A reminder that Lake Sorell remains closed for the 2014/15 angling season due to carp control activities. This is an extension of the closure from the previous seasons. Inland Fisheries Act 1995 Notification of Closure of Lake Sorell. I, John Diggle, Director of Inland Fisheries, acting in accordance with Clause 3 of the Inland Fisheries...