July 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Gambusia female carrying babies in the belly (black spot). Gambusia is a voracious feeder and a prolific breeder.
July 15, 2014

ARC Funding for genetic control of Gambusia

The University of Tasmania in collaboration with Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) and NRM North has recently secured research funding from the Australian Research Council (ARC) to genetically control Gambusia. The Gambusia is a pest fish of national concern and in Tasmania it is currently restricted around the Tamar Island Wetland Reserve (TIWR) in the Tamar...

Jonah Yick of the IFS delivering his presentation to ASFB in Darwin.
July 14, 2014

Inland Fisheries Service presents work at the Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) and the Australian Society for Limnology (ASL) joint congress in Darwin

The 2014 ASFB and ASL congress was held from the 30 June to 3 July at the Darwin Convention Centre. Delegates from universities, environment, and fisheries bodies around Australia attended the conference. There were 237 oral presentations, including two given by Fisheries Biologist Jonah Yick and Senior Fisheries Management officer Rob Freeman, both representing the...

Jonah Yick of the IFS with a big fish from a previous stocking, fish of this calibre were released today (8 July 2014)
July 10, 2014

Lake Barrington gets some big rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon

Today (8 July 2014) the Inland Fisheries Service stocked some big fish into Lake Barrington. The fish were kindly donated by Springfield Fisheries and some were over five kilograms in weight. There were 225 Atlantic salmon ranging between four and five kilograms and 400 rainbow trout ranging between two and three kilograms stocked into the...

Jonah Yick of the IFS with a fish from a previous stocking.
July 10, 2014

Craigbourne Dam stocked with Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout

Today (9 July 2014) the Inland Fisheries Service stocked Craigbourne Dam. The fish were kindly donated by Springfield Fisheries with some of the Atlantic salmon over five kilograms in weight. There were 310 Atlantic salmon ranging between two and four kilograms and 300 rainbow trout averaging two kilograms stocked into Craigbourne today. Anglers are reminded...

July 3, 2014

How to Report Suspected Disease in Fish

Mr Barry Calderbank Communications Officer BioSecurity Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) advises that in most cases it is not possible to make a diagnosis from a photograph, other than to say that it looks unusual and should be further investigated. It is really necessary to get samples to our Launceston Laboratory...