April 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Want to know the latest status of boat ramps and other facilities at Hydro Tasmania storages?
Hydro Tasmania have a page on their website www.hydro.com.au/community/recreational-sites that provides the latest information on facilities at Hydro storages. Boat ramps, campgrounds and picnic areas are listed and information is provided if any are closed and why. Included is a handy map that you can hover over to easily find the storage that interests you.

Lake Gairdner to be drawn down
Please be advised the Lake Gairdner level will be drawn down to approximately 11.7m below full supply level (to 460.71m) over the next two days prior to a projected high inflow period in the region.

Lake Rosebery to be drawn down
Please be advised Lake Rosebery will be drawn down to approximately 2m below full supply level (157.4m) over the next two days, and could potentially go below this level prior to a projected high inflow period in the region.

Arthurs Lake worth a last look
Inland Fisheries patrols conducted over the ANZAC Day long weekend saw many people out enjoying the fine weather and trying their luck at one of our many lakes and rivers. Arthurs Lake was producing some fantastic trout. Among the happy anglers were Glenn and Fiona Chandler who landed eight trout. Their secret success came from...

Looking at the issue of the Arthurs Lake fishery
Many anglers have raised concerns regarding the performance of the fishery at Arthurs Lake. Arthurs Lake usually has a high catch rate and anglers rarely go away disappointed after fishing there. For the last couple of angling seasons the fishery has been fishing relatively poorly, particularly for fly fishers. The IFS has been looking at...