Lake Pedder - the inland ocean

If you are looking somewhere to fish this season why not try somewhere a little different. There are lots of fishing opportunities around Tasmania.
Lake Pedder was created in 1971 when Hydro Tasmania flooded the original Lake Pedder. Water from the lake is diverted through McPartlan Canal into Lake Gordon and the Gordon Power Station. This has created the largest water storage in Australia. It is nearly eight times the size of Great Lake and three times the size of Lake Eucumbene, the largest lake in the Snowy Mountains Scheme.
Fishing when the new lake was legendary. The average size of trout was nearly 5 kg. Since the early 80’s the average trout has been around 1 kg. Lake Pedder remains an angler’s paradise with large bags of good-sized brown trout regularly taken.
The stunning scenery and remote location increase the appeal of Lake Pedder. Set in the South West World Heritage Area you can use an artificial lure or fly to fish this lake. There is plenty of shoreline you can get to by car. And the lake is great for boating. Do check the forecast before boating on the lake, the weather can be changeable.