Fish a plenty in Lake King William
Lake King William is open for twelve months of the year. You could sneak a fishing trip in to Lake King William before the brown trout season opens on 6 August.
There is a huge head of trout in the lake. All wild, mainly browns but with a sprinkling of rainbows to make things interesting.
The lake is about to spill. The water has been steadily flooding the flats around the lake for the past few weeks. The browns are following the rising level and our officers have seen fish tailing along the edges. Look in flowing drains, flooded grass and structure and you will most likely find a fish. While the lake is this full wading or a boat is the best way to go.
Bait, lure and fly all work well. The lake should stay high for a few months offering good fishing as things warm up in spring. Although small these are good hard fighting fish which can make for action packed fishing.
There is informal camping at both ends of the lake and accommodation and meals available at Derwent Bridge. You can fine more information in our Angler Access brochures.
Lake King William has a 20 fish bag limit with a minimum size of 220mm.