May 2017 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Highland trout to Four Springs
Today a further 950 adult brown were transferred from fish traps on the highlands to Four Springs Lake. This brings the total stocked into this lake over the past few weeks to 6140. With the target of 7000 adult browns for this water we are well on our to having it ready for some good...

Tasmanian Trout Fishing Photo Competition winners!
Congratulations to the winners of the Tasmanian Trout Fishing Photo Competition. The junior winner is Sabyn Harris with his photo, Four Springs Lake. You can see Sabyn's photo here. First prize in the adult category goes to Steven Ooi for his photo, Western Lakes (pictured with this story). The adult runner up is David Green...

Everything is in place for a great Trout Weekend
The staff of Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) have been busy preparing for Trout Weekend 2017. This popular event showcases our trout and native freshwater fishery. We will have: Displays featuring the latest work by the IFS. Aquariums showcasing fish and other species which inhabit Tasmania’s rivers and lakes. Vendors ready to show and sell their...

Photo competition winners to be announced at Trout Weekend
The winners of the Tasmanian Trout Fishing Photo Competition will be announced this weeeknd at Trout Weekend. The competition has a cash prize for the adult category, a vouchure for the junior category plus a pair of neoprene waders donated by Anchor Wetsuits for the adult runner up. Images have all been taken in Tasmania...

Casting lessons at Trout Weekend
The Devonport Fly Fishing Club will be on hand at Trout Weekend 2017 to give demonstrations, free lessons and tips to help you improve your fly and lure casting skills. This is a great opportunity – the things you learn may just help you catch that trophy fish! Ten-time Australian Casting Champion, Peter Hayes, will...