June 2020 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive
Go trout fishing and win up to $50,000*
Before the start of the 2020-21 season, which begins on Saturday 1 August, five tagged brown trout will be released into lakes around Tasmania. One each into Arthurs Lake, Lake Burbury, yingina / Great Lake, Lake Pedder and Lake Rowallan. The tags are blue and have unique identifying details. Each tag is worth $10 000...

Lake Leake on the rise!
Over the last week Lake Leake benefited from 80 mm of rain and has risen over half a metre. Consequently, most of the new pontoon is floating which will improve boat launching and access to the lake safely for the first time. It should be a cracker opening to the season on the 1st August...
Minister Barnett MP announces the winners of the 2019-20 Tasmanian Trout Fishing Photo Competition
This afternoon, the Hon Guy Barnett MP, Minister for Primary Industries and Water, announced the winner of the Inland Fisheries Service’s Tasmania Trout Fishing Photo Competition for 2019-20 First prize, being a cheque for $500 was taken by David Mossop for his photo, AJ Smith battling a Brown Trout at Lake Botsford. David was able...

Focus on waterway health
A campaign to accelerate the recreational fishing community involvement in fish habitat restoration was launched today by OzFish Unlimited. Through a series of powerful images, the online campaign flips the cliched bragging right photo of an angler and their catch with the waterways in focus instead of the fish. Click here for more information.

Anglers’ Report - Tagged fish from the Bradys Chain of Lakes
In May – June 2019 3,500 adult brown trout were caught in the fish trap on the River Derwent at Lake King William. They were tagged with a numbered green tag, and released directly into Bradys Lake. During the 2019-20 season, a total of 95 of these trout were reported to the IFS as being...