June 2021 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Lake Mackenzie Road closure
Hydro Tasmania advise access to Lake Mackenzie will be temporarily closed from Wednesday 23 June, for about two weeks. We’re building a new bridge on Lake Mackenzie Road, so access to the boat ramp and Parsons Falls will be a little easier and safer when we reopen. We apologise for any inconvenience, but seriously –...

Access improvements at Talbots Lagoon
Due to the increasing popularity of kayaks and canoes at Talbots Lagoon, improvements have been made to cater for this method of fishing. In response to feedback from anglers the access point at the main parking area has been widened to cater for trolleys and kayaks up to 1300mm wide. The launching area has been improved by...

Brown trout spawning run in full flight on the Central Highlands
Minister responsible for Inland Fisheries Guy Barnett visited Liawenee to view the brown trout spawning run which is well underway across the Central Highlands. There have been 11 483 trout trapped, counted and released through to spawn at Arthurs Lake. Fish up to 1.37kg have been measured at these traps. On the River Derwent at...

Willow control on the Tyenna River– a tribute to the Clark Family
Another 500m section of the Tyenna River at Westerway has been transformed! Following on from efforts of local residents and the Tyenna Willow Warriors, the last of the large willows have been removed from the riverbank opposite the Westerway Primary School. The Clark family have been working with local contractor Aaron Scherer and the Derwent...

Pet Reservoir
Yesterday 980 wild brown trout, averaging 850 grams, were transported from Liawenee to the Pet Reservoir. These fish will have time to settle and be ready for the new trout fishing season that starts on Saturday 7 August. This will provide a boost to anglers that enjoy this popular fishery on the North West Coast....