Carp findings!

The Carp Management Program held its yearly Workshop on the 24 - 25 March. Over the two days we analysed the data collected during the past spring and summer. We assessed how the carp removal is progressing and what can be done to complete the eradication of carp from Tasmania.
Key findings are:
- The fishing effort was kept at a high level but we only caught three carp.
- Of the three carp caught, one was a small female, the other two were small males which were affected with the jelly gonad condition, making them sterile.
- 41 499 carp have been removed from Lake Sorell since 1995.
- Carp are contained to Lake Sorell.
- No spawning or small carp were found in Lake Sorell.
- We now estimate that there are few, if any carp remaining in Lake Sorell.
- Numerous juvenile brown trout were have been caught indicating the trout fishery is naturally rebuilding.
- No carp were found in Lake Crescent.
Future strategies:
- Lake Sorell will be open for the coming trout season.
- Continue to block the carp spawning areas with barrier nets.
- Actively target key weather events in November and December to see if any carp remain.
In order to rebuild the Lake Sorell trout fishery we will monitor and maintain access to the primary trout spawning grounds at Mountain and Silver Plains creeks. Intensive gill netting for carp is not planned for the coming year so the trout fishery will continue to recover.