October 2021 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Carp caught!
The relentless search to catch any remaining carp in Lake Sorell continues. Recent rain events, a fast-rising water level and the sunny weather warming the water are the perfect conditions to get the carp moving. Yesterday using a combination of the electro-fishing boat and trammel nets a 2.3 kg female carp was caught on the...

Gate to Nineteen Lagoons open
Dear Stakeholder The Lake Augusta Rd from the boom gate through to Lake Ada was opened on 21st October 2021. Gates providing access to Talinah, Double Lagoon and Pillans tracks remain closed as conditions were deemed unsuitable for opening. These tracks will be inspected again on or around 25th October 2021. The Parks and Wildlife...

Talk trout Tasmania
Would you like to understand what it takes to maintain a trophy brown trout fishery in Lake Crescent or how Arthurs Lake is recovering from the millennial drought. Maybe you would like to know how the creel data we collect is used to manage the fishery or what the future looks like for Lake Sorell....

Junior anglers hooked.
As part of national Gone Fishing Day over 420 kids went fishing at junior angler dams around Tasmania. The days events, coordinated by volunteers through local angling clubs and supported by Anglers Alliance Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service proved very popular. For some kids it was the first time they had cast a line...

Carp Management Program achieving positive results
Tasmania’s world-leading carp eradication program is achieving very encouraging results. In the past year, only three carp were captured in Lake Sorell by the Inland Fisheries Service and it appears that few, if any, now remain. Extensive fishing efforts were undertaken during spring and summer 2020-21 and three carp were removed – one female and...