Stocking program in full swing

Recent wet weather has triggered brown trout to start their spawning migration into Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) traps. This has enabled the IFS to begin stocking Tasmania’s Assisted Fisheries. So far, nearly 2,000 fish have been stocked into Four Springs Lake. Curries River Reservoir and South Riana Dam will receive fish in the next few days. If wet weather persists, brown trout will continue to ‘run’. This will give us the opportunity to remove fish from overpopulated waters and release them into Assited Fisheries. These are popular waters with limited or no spawning habitat.
The stocking of rainbow trout has also commenced, with 500 fish released into Curries River Reservoir last week. Over 15,000 yearling rainbows will find a new home in the Tasmanian fishery before the start of the much anticipated, 2024/2025 season.
For those who have not yet heard the great news, the IFS recently opened the Brady’s system of lakes to fishing through the normal, ‘closed season’! Around 2,500 rainbows are expected to be released into the system next week. This will provide wonderful sport for anyone with a current Inland Fisheries angling licence who is looking to make the most of this unique opportunity.
Licence can be purchased online at Inland Fisheries Service (