September 2024 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Tasmanian Trout Expo
Looking for something to do on Sunday, 13 October 2024? Why not head to the Hydro Tasmania-Cressy Commuinity Trout Expo! Located between number two and number three weirs at Brumby Creek, Cressy. Free Entry ! Free Sausage Sizzle! Prizes to be won for tagged fish! Loads of give away for kids. Fishing License free day...

It's getting close to whitebait season 2024!
The 2024 whitebait season opens on Tuesday 1 October. The season will run for 6 weeks through to Monday 11 November. A whitebait licence is required to fish for whitebait. Licences are $37 and are available from the IFS website, Service Tasmania outlets and selected tackle shops. A whitebait licence permits anglers to take a maximum of 2 kilograms of whitebait per...

Curries River Reservoir civil works
TasWater will be conducting maintenance works on the causeways and access road at Curries River Reservoir commencing Monday 23 September 2024 for approximately 4 weeks. Access will be maintained during the works but there may be some short delays for anglers accessing the reservoir.
Willow Warriors working bee
Calling all Willow Warriors, We have been waiting for the water levels to go down and the weather to clear up, but a working bee is coming up on October 5th (Saturday). We will be heading back to the Maydena planting. The goal is to continue the re-vegetation program along the river and carry out...

Update from Hydro Tasmania
UPDATE FROM HYDRO TASMANIA: Hydro Tasmania crews have been busy assessing damage at their campgrounds and recreation spaces over the last week. If public roads allow access, the following sites have been reopened: Lake Repulse Boat Ramp Sophia Tunnel Outlet Lookout Gordon Power Station Information Lake Pedder McPartlan Pass Canal Lookout Lake Pedder Serpentine Dam Boat...