Inland Fisheries Service News

IFS Leader of the Tasmanian Carp Management Program, Jonah Yick, at the National Carp Control Plan workshop 2018.
IFS Leader of the Tasmanian Carp Management Program, Jonah Yick, (front left) at the National Carp Control Plan workshop 2018.
July 26, 2018

Carp Management Program attends National Carp Control Plan workshop

Last week, Jonah Yick, IFS Leader of the Tasmanian Carp Management Program attended a workshop in Canberra. The workshop was part of a larger project under the National Carp Control Plan (NCCP).   At the workshop there were specialists from all over the country including: researchers of small and large fish, plant scientists, waterbird scientists,...

The Tumbledown Creek Bridge with the word 'closed' super imposed over the image.
The Tumbledown Creek Bridge
July 24, 2018

The Tumbledown Creek bridge is closed

Tumbledown Creek Bridge next to Arthurs Lake is closed. The bridge allowing access to Little Lake and Gunns Lake. The deteriorating structural condition is causing the closure.   This timber bridge was originally built nearly 15 years ago. It provided access to transmission lines. Hydro Tasmania (HT) left the bridge in place to allow recreational...

FS Staff member, Steve Paterson, undertaking Navigation light maintenance at Lake Mackintosh
IFS Staff member, Steve Paterson, undertaking Navigation light maintenance at Lake Mackintosh
July 18, 2018

Anglers Access getting ready for the new season

We have been busy updating Anglers Access Program signs with the new regulations for the 2018-19 season. This means travelling all over the State. At the same time, we completed maintenance to navigation lights at major boat ramps. New Anglers Access Program brochures will be available from the IFS Website and tackle shops before the...

A beautiful winter's day on Huntsman Lake
A beautiful winter's day on Huntsman Lake
July 12, 2018

Huntsman Lake is offering good all year fishing

Fisheries officers checked a number of anglers enjoying a perfect winter’s day fishing at Huntsman Lake. Small but well conditioned brown trout were being caught on lures and fly. The lake level is rising slowly bringing fish into the shallows at first and last light. There is plenty of water for launching and retrieving boats....

A brown trout collected during the 2018 fisher performance assessment of Little Pine Lagoon
A brown trout collected during the 2018 fishery performance assessment of Little Pine Lagoon
July 10, 2018

Little Pine Lagoon turns it around

The signs from a fishery surveys suggest Little Pine Lagoon is well and truly on the up. Over recent years, anglers fishing for brown trout at Little Pine Lagoon have experienced a daily catch rate well below the long-term average. The reasons for this are still unclear but survey results are starting to show a...