Inland Fisheries Service News

Two tagged brown trout have been released into Craigbourne Dam - each is worth $2 000.
Aug. 4, 2021

The trout are biting at Craigbourne Dam

The fishing at Craigbourne Dam has been good through winter and this will continue as the days draw out and the weather warms into spring. There were 1660 wild adult brown trout transferred from the Central Highlands spawning run over winter and more recently we liberated 1200 rainbow trout that averaged 380 grams. These fish...

Rainbow trout released into Risdon Brook Reservoir
Aug. 3, 2021

Risdon Brook Reservoir- fishing for anglers with a disability

Risdon Brook Reservoir is a fishery reserved for anglers with a disability. Only anglers with with a Transport Access Scheme permit may fish here. The fishing season is from 7 August 2021 to 1 May 2022. With the support of TasWater the Reservoir has recently been stocked with 250 rainbow trout. The fish average 280...

Pumphouse Point sign
July 30, 2021

St Clair Lagoon anglers access

The IFS has completed a new suite of information to assist anglers to access St Clair Lagoon. New signage at the Pumphouse Point car park, additional track makers along the Fishermans Trail and a new fact sheet have been completed.  Whilst anglers are welcome to fish St. Clair Lagoon and Derwent Basin via the Fishermans...

Releasing a $2000 tagged trout
July 30, 2021

Trout fishing season outlook 2021-22

The new angling season starts on Sunday 1 August 2021 with most brown trout waters opening on Saturday 7 August. With the good winter rain, water levels will be high and there is likely to be exciting fishing right from the start. The trout will be in close feasting on food along the flooded edges....

July 29, 2021

Lake Mikany update from Taswater

The Lake Mikany Dam site has been temporarily closed to the public for Safety Upgrade.   The upgrade involves major works on the dam wall, requiring operation of heavy machinery in restricted areas. Due to safety concerns for the public and our contractors, unfortunately access will remain closed until the project is completed by October 2022.