May 2012 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

May 14, 2012

Outcome of Public Meeting on Boating at Penstock Lagoon

Nearly 100 anglers who regularly fish at Penstock Lagoon (most using a boat) attended a meeting by the Inland Fisheries Service on Saturday 4 February in Miena to discuss a proposal to prohibit the use of petrol outboards on the lagoon. The meeting was designed to obtain preliminary feedback on this issue and gauge the...

May 14, 2012

Boost to the off season fishery in the Northwest with salmon stocked into Lake Barrington

Northwest anglers got a nice boost to their winter fishery stocks this week with a new batch of Atlantic salmon stocked into Lake Barrington. The fish donated from Tassal are up to 8 kg. The average size of the 530 fish stocked is approximatly 2.5 kg with a some between 5 and 8 kg. Brushy...

May 14, 2012

Brown Trout Season Ends

The majority of inland waters, which are based on the brown trout season, are now closed to fishing from today Monday 30 April until they reopen in the 2012-13 season on Saturday 4 August. However, the season’s fishing is not over with Lakes Mackintosh and Rosebery, and all rainbow trout waters remaining open until 3...

May 14, 2012

Results from Day One of the Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships

Australia’s Gold Team is leading the way after day one of the Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships being held in Tasmania, followed by Australia Green and Northern Ireland. But with three more sessions still to go before the competition ends at noon on Saturday, anyone could still win and the Tasmanian trout fishery is not making...

May 14, 2012

Four Springs All Clear for Blue Green Algae

The Inland Fisheries Service wishes to advise anglers that the public health notice regarding blue green algae at Four Springs Lake has been removed by the Meander Valley Council. This comes after recent sampling at three locations in the Lake showed no presence of cynobacteria. The Service has also been informed by Hydro Tasmania that...