May 2012 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

May 14, 2012

Obstructing a Boat Ramp – Don’t Do This!

It’s the responsibility of all anglers to respect the rights of other anglers and freshwater recreational users. Preventing other boating anglers from using a boat ramp at a public inland water is not only disrespectful behaviour, it is prohibited by law and may cost the perpetrator more than a social rebuff by fellow anglers. Under...

May 14, 2012

New Seaward Limit Signage for the Huon River

The Inland Fisheries Service has recently installed new posts and signs locating the seaward limit on the Huon River. The signs have been installed at Castle Forbes Bay on the western side of the river and at Glaziers Bay on the eastern side of the river. The seaward limit is a line between these two...

May 14, 2012

Across Agency Co-operation Saves Fish and Wildlife

Two compliance incidents this week demonstrate the effectiveness of across agency enforcement operations. The issues affected and involved both the Parks and Wildlife Service and the Inland Fisheries Service, and resulted in the protection of native fauna and recreational fishing species. This is good news for anglers and the Tasmanian community. In the first incident,...

May 14, 2012

Quick Response by IFS Saves Lives at Arthurs Lake

The Inland Fisheries Service helped Tasmania Police in the rescue of a Tasmanian couple whose dinghy had capsized whilst fishing at Arthurs Lake last Thursday 26 April. IFS staff stationed at Lake Crescent were able to respond quickly to the emergency, joining the Police search using an IFS boat fully equipped with search and rescue...

May 14, 2012

Blue Green Algae Awareness over Summer

Anglers are advised to be aware that blooms of blue green algae may occur at certain inland waters during the warmer summer months. The Inland Fisheries Service recommends anglers observe any public health notices regarding the risk from skin contact with the water where blue green algae blooms have been identified. Monitoring of toxicity of...