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The 2012 whitebait season opens

The much sought after whitebait, the 2012 season opened 1 October.

The 2012 whitebait season opened for fishing on October 1 and remains open till 11 November 2012. The season is open on the following waters: Great Forester River, River Tamar including the Trevallyn Tailrace, River Derwent, Huon River, Rubicon River (except 50 m above or below the weir), Mersey River, River Forth, Inglis River, Montagu River, Duck River (except 50 m above or below the weir), Pieman River and Henty (Big) River.  Fishing in the vicinity of the Forth River Weir is now permitted following modifications to the weir which has facilitated the passage of whitebait.
Changes to the regulations this year mean that the daily catch limit is now 2 kg, an increase from the previous 1 kg limit. The total season catch limit is still 10 kg and the maximum possession limit still 10 kg.

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