Wet weather doesn't dampen season's opening weekend
The less than ideal weather conditions on the weekend didn't dampen anglers' enthusiasm to fish the opening of the 2013/14 trout season. Inland Fisheries Service officers were out checking licences around the state on the much anticipated opening weekend of the new season and checked 654 anglers.
Of the anglers checked most were compliant with regulations, only eight fisheries offenses were detected, mostly for unattended set bait rods. A couple of anglers started their season too early and one fished with more rods than their licence endorsed. It is pleasing that everyone checked actually had a licence and most complied with MAST regulations with only one boat failing to have person wearing a life jacket in a vessel under six metres.
The 654 anglers checked had caught between them 286 brown trout, 59 rainbow trout and 48 Atlantic salmon. Four Springs Lake yielded the best catch rates with 149 brown trout and 16 rainbow trout caught amongst the 128 anglers checked. The River Derwent also fished very well with 45 anglers catching 55 brown trout and 2 Atlantic salmon. In the northwest Lake Kara was a hit with 30 Atlantic salmon and 42 rainbow trout caught amongst the 65 anglers checked.