June 2013 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive
June 5, 2013
Busy time as brown trout are stocked out into several key fisheries
As is usual for this time of year the IFS has been transferring brown trout from the spawning run at Liawenee to other waters throughout the state. The biggest transfers have been completed at Four Springs Lake (2,000 stripped and adipose clipped) and Bradys Lake (4,800) as well as smaller numbers into the Nineteen Lagoons...
June 5, 2013
Brushy Lagoon stocked with salmon
Today (5 June 2013) the IFS stocked Brushy Lagoon with 230 Atlantic salmon. The fish were donated by Petuna Aquaculture and average four kilograms. This will be welcome news for those wishing to chase some big fish over winter. Please remember that there is a five fish daily bag limit with only two fish over...
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