The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

With rains and rising water levels anglers should exercise caution

Caution needs to be shown when fishing during periods of high water flow.

With heavy rainfall events over the last weeks (last two weeks of September), the rivers in many catchments have risen markedly. Catchments with Hydro Tasmania impoundments in particular have been effected, with the Mersey-Forth system in flood and spilling at Lake Barrington and Lake Paloona dams. The River Derwent catchment impoundments are all full and Meadowbank Lake is likely to spill soon.
With all this water flow there will be wooded debris such as trees and logs that will be a hazard to boating and wading anglers. Anglers are asked to exercise caution whilst boating or wading as high flows and floating debris combine to provide hazardous boating conditions.

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