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Access maintained during timber harvest at Talbots Lagoon

Harvested area at Talbots Lagoon

Forestry management company Forico worked with the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) recently to keep access clear during harvest operations at a plantation coupe on the western shore of Talbots Lagoon, where parking and access tracks are located.

Prior to harvesting, Forico and the IFS agreed that access tracks should be kept clear of harvesting debris during and after operational activities. A 40 m buffer around the lagoon is also exempt from disturbance.

In addition, Forico arranged to conduct the harvesting activities during the closed season between the end of April and late July to minimise potential impact on access for anglers.

Forico advises that there may be some changes to access tracks and asks anglers to observe additional warning signs while replanting operations are carried out.

For health and safety reasons, anglers should not access log piles. 

This collaboration resulted in minimising disturbance to anglers during harvest operations and the retention of access tracks for future use. The IFS would like to thank the team at Forico for their consideration and effort to maintain access for anglers.

Forico is Tasmania’s largest private forest management company. Their globally certified forests consist of 89,000 hectares of plantation managed for wood fibre production, and 77,000 hectares of natural forest managed for conservation, biodiversity and cultural values. The IFS and Forico work collaboratively to manage access for anglers where safe and appropriate to do so on Forico managed sites at Talbots Lagoon, Four Springs Lake, Mersey, Meander and South Esk Rivers.

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