February 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

IFS participation in Business Clean Up Australia Day
The Inland Fisheries Service participated in Business Clean Up Australia Day on 25 February 2014. Teams of staff worked at Craigbourne Dam and Lake Crescent. At Craigbourne Dam the rubbish removed totalled approximately 150 kg, collected from two points around the dam. The rubbish mainly comprised of bottles and cans with one 44 gallon drum...

Summer carp catches heating up
IFS staff on the Carp Management Program have been making the most of the warm, still conditions presented at Lake Sorell. They have been using a variety of techniques in a bid to remove the remaining population of carp from the lake. The slowly maturing carp have proved difficult to target and catch, as they...

Lake Fergus walking route inspection
IFS staff recently inspected the Little Pine Lagoon to Lake Fergus walking route Lake Fergus brochure and map. Staff completed the return walk in 5.5 hours including checking a number of anglers at both Little Pine and Lake Fergus en-route. The route is in good condition with evidence of regular foot traffic taking advantage of...

Craigbourne Dam re-opened for public access and fishing
Tasmanian Irrigation wishes to advise that Craigbourne Dam in Tasmania's South East is now open to the public.The dam had been closed to fishing and recreational activities as a precaution due to the detection of naturally occurring blue-green algae. Elevated levels of the blue-green algae have now disappeared making it safe for public use. Tasmanian...

Bradys Lake (Whitewater) boat ramp upgrade
Members of the public are advised the above works will commence on Monday 3 March 2014 and should be completed by Monday 31 March 2014 (weather permitting).The nature of the works will necessitate the launch area being closed during this period.The Bradys shack ramp will be open for use during the works. For more information...