The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Talbots Lagoon opens to all anglers

The opening of the new access arrangements by the Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jeremy Rockliff.

Over the past 40 years Talbot Lagoon has established a reputation as a high quality recreational trout fishery however as it is on private land, up until now access has been limited.

A new cooperative agreement and MOU between the landowner Forico Pty Ltd and the Inland Fisheries Service was announced today (10 December 2015) by the Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jeremy Rockliff,  who also unveiled a comprehensive upgrade of the lagoon facilities and a new Anglers Access Information Sheet for the lagoon.

Gaining access to Talbots Lagoon must be seen as a privilege and there are strict access guidelines and angling regulations that must be adhered to. Fires must not be lit at any time of the year and angling is restricted from one hour before sunrise to three hours after sunset. Full details of the access guidelines, regulations and angling notes can be found here.

Representatives of Anglers Alliance Tasmania, local angling clubs and associations, the landowner, Forico, and the Inland Fisheries Service joined with the Minister to mark the opening.

Located 50km south of Burnie, Talbots Lagoon is a wild trout fishery that is particularly suited to wade angling and fly fishing.  On behalf of all anglers, IFS would like to thank Forico for their generosity and willingness in making this premier fishery accessible to a much wider section of the angling community.

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