Autumn working bee on the Lake Skinner track

Work on the Lake Skinner track during November 2014 Image: Loretta Lohberger

Lake Skinner has long been a popular destination for anglers, and in 2013 the track accessing the lake became part of the Southwest National Park and the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.

It is a Class 4 track, which means that it is moderately difficult, and rough underfoot. The walking track passes through rainforest of myrtle, celery top pine, sassafras, King Billy pine and tall pandani to reach the glacial lake of Lake Skinner. It is a steep climb but well worth the effort even if you’re not lucky enough to catch any trout.

Sections of the track are eroded and very muddy. With funding from the Australian Government, Environment Tasmania has been repairing the track to minimise walker impacts along these boggy sections. Track work has been undertaken by a track crew and volunteers using local materials and traditional techniques such as building cordwood and split log planking. There are many obvious benefits to use of local materials such as durability, sustainability and high visual appeal. Hand split timber for double planking over boggy sections looks much more natural than the more common treated pine.

Want to get involved?  Our working bee on the Lake Skinner Track in November 2014 was so popular that we plan to do a second working bee in autumn 2015. Contact Environment Tasmania on 6281 5100 if you would like to register your interest in a working bee on the track in autumn 2015, or just want to find out more about our walking track projects.

For more information on Lake Skinner and directions on how to get there, go to:

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