Craigbourne Dam has been a recent target of IFS compliance efforts
This week (first week of March 2015) saw the detection of numerous offenders at Craigbourne Dam. Some of the offences were for exceeding the daily bag limit and others were for fishing from a moving boat within 100 meters of shore-based anglers.
Anglers are reminded that they risk fines and confiscation of fish and equipment if found violating the regulations. The catch limit for Craigbourne Dam is five fish at a minimum size of 300 mm, with only two fish to be greater than 500 mm.
Fisheries Officers also noted the recent efforts on Clean Up Australia Day by local anglers and remind others to take rubbish with them when leaving.
Anyone who suspects illegal fishing activity is urged to contact the Inland Fisheries Service on 0438 338 530 as soon as possible.