May 2015 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Boat ramp maintenance at Woods Lake
The Woods Lake Boat ramp is currently at the lower limit of its operating range. Towards the end of the season a significant drop off at the end of the ramp was causing issues for boaters. MAST and IFS have taken the opportunity to conduct maintenance on the break wall, remove some boulders from the...

First time full season adult licence holder gets his prize
After being announced by the Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jeremy Rockliff at Trout Weekend on the 16th of May, the winner of the Ford Ranger licence promotion Bailey Cashion was presented with his prize on the 26th of May. The promotion was the culmination of the 150 year Celebration of the first hatching...

Enhancing the fishing experience at Shannon Lagoon
Collaboration between Hydro Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) aims to improve the fishing experience at one of Tasmania’s most iconic trout fishing lakes. Shannon Lagoon is located on the Shannon River south of Great Lake. It provides habitat for threatened native aquatic plant and animal species, irrigation water releases for downstream use, and...

The winner of the 150th anniversary celebrations Ford Ranger competition!
The winner of the 150th anniversary celebrations Ford Ranger competition is Bailey Cashion of New Norfolk. Announced by the Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jeremy Rockliff MP at the Liawenee Trout Weekend on Saturday, Bailey’s prize – valued at over $50,600 is a gold Ford Ranger XL Dual Cab Ute 4 x 4 3.2L...

Raffle winner a worthy recipient
The winner of the waders that were raffled at the 2015 Trout weekend at Liawenee was James McCarthy of Railton. James was extremely pleased with his prize and will use them locally on the Mersey River, where he has over 70 year’s trout angling experience. There was a big story written about his trout fishing...