The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Whitebait fishing underway

Lovettia sealli - The true Tasmanian whitebait

The 2015 Whitebait season is now underway, with good runs occurring in the open North West Coast rivers at the moment. Many anglers have taken their daily catch limit from these waters, with some anglers also catching trout at the same time. Hot spots have been the Don, Leven, Inglis, Forth and Duck Rivers. Whitebait season is always a busy period for Fisheries Officers who have checked over 100 Whitebait licences over the past few days.

It has been pleasing to note that the vast majority of fishers checked in this period have been doing the right thing. So far this season, two fishers have been apprehended exceeding their total allowable daily catch, and a further 5 failing for failing to attach net number tags to their whitebait net. The whitebait fishery is heavily regulated due to previous overfishing and the continuing sustainability of the fishery is dependent on anglers adhering to the regulations.

A total catch limit of 2Kg per day and 10Kg per season using specified nets is permitted from open waterways, which are listed on the licences. The waters that are open to whitebait fishing are spread around the state. Whitebait nets must not exceed 120cm in circumference at any part of the net and must not be fitted with any funnel, screen or device that impedes fish escape.

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