The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Brushy Lagoon is open for business

Atlantic Salmon at Saltas, Wayatinah

We put 400 Atlantic salmon into Brushy Lagoon today.  Average weight of 1.5kg. Thanks very much to Saltas at Wayatinah for donating the fish.

We were able to stock Brushy Lagoon today because the bridges are fixed.  Thanks to the Parks and Wildlife Service. Both bridges on the way to Brushy Lagoon have been repaired and PWS made sure they were strong enough for our truck to safely access the lagoon.

Brushy Lagoon is open to all methods fishing all year (you need a valid licence), with a 5 fish bag limit but remember, only two fish can be over 500mm. For all the rules about fish at Brushy’s check the Tasmanian Inland Fishing Code on our website or InFish App.

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