The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Fish for junior angling dams


Brett Mawbey, our Manager of Stocking, sure has been busy.

Two junior angling dams were stocked today with Atlantic salmon to support their clubs’ junior development program. It will also promote this year’s opening of the brown trout season which is not far away (6 August).

Devonport Anglers Club run Taylors junior angling dam at Latrobe and today we delivered them 250 Atlantic salmon averaging 1.5Kg. We also delivered 150 Atlantic salmon weighing 1.5kg on average to Frombergs junior angling dam near Ulverstone, for Young Anglers Development Incorporated.

Both of these clubs are holding activities over the opening weekend of the brown trout waters. On Saturday 6 August Devonport Anglers Club will be having their junior presentation day for the 2015-16 season. Registration time for juniors is between 11.00am – 12noon. Then awards and presentations will be given for the 2015–16 season. After this all junior anglers are invited to try their luck in catching a salmon. Junior membership for the new season is $10. For further enquiries contact Peter Maloney of the Devonport Anglers Club on 0419 871 131

Young Anglers Development Incorporated are holding their opening for Frombergs dam on Sunday 7 August.  The day starts at 10am and all junior anglers are encouraged to try their luck catching a nice size salmon. Junior membership for the season is $15. Enquiries to Lyle Highland on 0419 537 043.

If you have any questions about stocking please get in touch on 1300 INFISH (463 474) or email

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