Inland Fisheries Service presents at national conference

Chris Bowen, Jonah Yick, Chris Boon, and Raihan Mahmud from the Carp Management Program presented work at the 2016 Australian Society for Fish Biology and Oceania Chondrichthyan Society conference which was held from the 4th – 8th of September at Wrest Point.
There were 200 presentations and our carp team presented during the “Invasive species: impacts, detection and control” session. The team talked about the eradication of carp from Lake Crescent, the current status of carp in Lake Sorell, and the research being conducted into the jelly-like gonad syndrome (JGS) which is affecting a proportion of the male carp in Lake Sorell.
Delegates from universities, environment, and fisheries bodies around Australia attended the conference. IFS consulting scientist Dr. Jawahar Patil presented work on his research into the use of genetics as a means to control populations of the invasive fish Gambusia holbrooki.
Not all of our presentations were on pest fish! Senior Fisheries Management Officer Tim Farrell talked about the challenges of estimating the brown trout population in Arthurs Lake.
All presentations were well received by other delegates, and highlighted the need to carefully manage both recreational and invasive pest fish in Tasmania.