The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Tooms Lake receives some brown trout

Fish being loaded at one of the highland lake traps

With the release of 1 200 adult brown trout, Tooms Lake is now primed and ready for the 2017-18 inland fishing season.

Yesterday, we released 1 200 brown trout between 600-900 grams into Tooms Lake.  With the lake level on the rise this water is looking great. These young healthy fish should quickly put on weight.  An inspection of the inflowing creek saw only few fish spawning. Flows were low and the majority of the run is a few weeks away.  This should allow the transferred fish time to move into the creek and supplement the spawning run.

Tooms Lake fished well at the start of last season and conditions are looking similar. This water may well be worth a visit.

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