January 2018 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Cumbungi control trial at Four Springs Lake
Anglers Alliance Tasmania was recently alerted to increasing infestation of cumbungi (bullrush) at Four Springs Lake. These infestations could potentially, over time, inhibit fishing in the shallow margins of the lake if left uncontrolled. It was determined that two control methods would be trialed for effectiveness. The first method is to slash the cumbungi 150mm...

Lake Pimsoll level
Hydro Tasmania takes pride in supporting anglers and other recreational water users. We maintain our assets to support hydropower generation, and for users to enjoy. We’ve drained Lake Plimsoll to about eight metres below full, to perform about five weeks of maintenance. It should return to normal by mid-February. Until then, lower levels may affect...

Fisheries Habitat Improvement Fund
The Fisheries Habitat Improvement Fund was originally founded in 2000 as an environmental not for profit Trust whose aim was to fund environmental projects that supported, preserved, protected or enhanced freshwater fish habitat. The first project supported by the Fund was the rehabilitation of Shannon Lagoon and a number of works were undertaken to achieve...

Meander River access reopened
Anglers access locations at Longridge Road and Birralee Road on the Meander River that were temporarily closed due to forest harvesting operations have been reopened to the public. The IFS thanks Forico for their continued support of the Anglers Access programme and the safety of anglers.

A wrap up of festive season fishing
Christmas/New Year saw many anglers heading to the Central Highlands. Although the conditions were windy at times, anglers reported great catches from a number of waters. Anglers trolling lead lines on yingina/Great Lake took bags of up to 10 fish. Green and gold cobra lures worked well, as did frog pattern flatfish lures. Arthurs Lake...