March 2018 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

River Clyde Carp Survey
While we were doing the lakes Sorell and Crescent juvenile carp surveys we also did a downstream surveyof the River Clyde. The survey looks at selected sites featuring ideal carp habitat downstream to the township of Hamilton. The aim is to make sure carp have not become established in the River Clyde system. We have...

Willow control demonstration on the Tyenna River.
A willow control program on the Tyenna River is in development. The developers are the Derwent Catchment Program, Lanoma Estate at Westerway and the IFS. The first stage involves follow up works to control willow regrowth at Lanoma Estate. This includes replanting with natives and protecting riparian vegetation with fencing. The project aims to engage...

Lake Crescent remains carp free!
The annual Lake Crescent juvenile carp survey took place on 15 March 2018. This survey aims to make sure carp have not made their way back into Lake Crescent, and to look for any signs of new recruitment. Carp have not been seen in Lake Crescent since 2007, but surveys are still carried out every...

Lake Sorell juvenile carp survey is a success!
The Lake Sorell juvenile carp survey was undertaken over Monday 5 to Friday 9 March 2018. This survey aims to determine if spawning had occurred over the past few months, and whether there are any new year class of carp. Sixty-six fyke nets were set around the lake near weed beds and shore areas where...

River Surveys
Over the past week, we started our annual river surveys. So far, we have surveyed the South Esk and Meander Rivers. The Russell River and Mersey River are to be completed over the coming weeks. Three 100-metre reaches on each river are assessed by backpack electrofishing. This involves working through each 100-metre section three times...