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Parks and Wildlife Service - Campfire restrictions

Parks and Wildlife Tasmania report campfire restrictions will be in place from 4 December 2020

Parks and Wildlife report that to reduce the risk of bushfires, campfire restrictions will be in place at a number of Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service campgrounds across the state from 4 December 2020.
Campfire restrictions will remain in place until further notice, and be adjusted as necessary as the summer progresses.

The seasonal campfire restrictions apply to:

  • King Island, Flinders Island and Maria Island National Park
  • The area between West Point and Interview River in the north west,
  • All national parks and reserves in the Dorset, Break O'Day, Glamorgan/Spring Bay, Sorell and Tasman municipalities
  • Narawntapu National Park
  • Snaky Creek and Tooms Lake Conservation Areas

Further locations may be added if the fire risk in particular areas escalates over summer.
Gas stoves and gas barbecues will be permitted in these locations.

The following areas are designated Fuel Stove Only all year round and campfires are not permitted: Freycinet National Park, parts of the Tasman National Park, the Vale of Belvoir Conservation Area, the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (the TWWHA includes Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Walls of Jerusalem National Park, Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, Hartz Mountains National Park, Southwest National Park, Mole Creek Karst National Park, Mount Field National Park).​

For full details on the restrictions and why they are coming into force, please visit the Parks and Wildlife Tasmania website:

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