Weekend fishing in the highlands

Zane Colgrave from team Ultimate with an impressive catch from Arthurs Lake

The 2021 Trout Classic was held over two days this past weekend with anglers fishing Great Lake on Saturday and Arthurs Lake on Sunday.

On day one anglers were faced with a strong cool southerly blowing up the Great Lake, finding the wind beaten shores to be most productive. Throwing black and gold hard bodied lures along the edge produced some good catches. Anglers who trolled lures deep were rewarded with some large rainbow trout.

On day two the wind had changed to the north providing some more pleasant conditions for anglers on Arthurs. Again, anglers were rewarded for fishing in the windy spots with some of the best fishing being at the Sothern end of the lake near Morass Bay and the dam wall.

Team Ultimate won the competition with a string of their best ten fish from the weekend measuring 446cm,  with 14-year-old Zane and his father Tim competing in their first fishing competition. With his father putting him in the right spots, Zane was able to out fish most others in the completion.

The Inland Fisheries Service attended the 2021 Trout Classic, as well as many other highland waters over the weekend, conducting 117 creel checks and 13 boat safety inspections. A high level of compliance was pleasing to see.

Don't forget there's prize money to be won in the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion. Fifty tagged brown trout were released into waters around Tasmania for the 2021-22 Angling Season. Each tag is worth $2,000* to the angler that returns the fish to the Inland Fisheries Service. *conditions apply.

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