November 2023 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive
Mossy Marsh reopened for angling
Hydro Tasmania advise that Mossy Marsh Dam has re-opened for recreational use. This follows dam safety improvements at Mossy Marsh, which involved installing a spillway and other dam upgrades. The civil works for those upgrades were completed in March 2023, but the site rehabilitation took a little longer to achieve due to weather conditions. Upgrades...

Tracks to Talinah Lagoon and Pillans Lake are open
The Parks and Wildlife Service advise that the boom gates allowing vehicle access to Talinah Lagoon and Pillans Lake have been re-opened as of today, 15th November 2023. For any further information please contact the Great Western Tiers Field Centre on 67012104

Roadworks at Fisheries Lane, Brumbys Creek
IFS has completed maintenance to Fisheries Lane, the access road to Weir 1 at Brumbys Creek. Fisheries Lane is not a public road with access provided by agreement with the Cressy Research Station. Anglers are indebted to the farm lessees, Upper Murray Seeds and Hydro Tasmania for their assistance in maintaining access and the public facilities including...

Fishing Report - Recreation Day Long Weekend
Inland Fisheries Officers were on patrol over Northern Recreation Day long weekend. Weather conditions were ideal, with light winds and a mix of sunny and overcast conditions throughout the weekend. The fish were biting, with the following waters standing out: yingina/Great Lake – All angling methods were productive. Trollers using cobra lures on both surface...

The passing of Leslie "Bob" Ward
We are saddened by the recent passing of Bob Ward. Bob represented anglers from southern Tasmania as an Associate Commissioner on the Inland Fisheries Commission from 1990 to 1999. Bob was well known around the regional angling clubs where he attended meetings regularly. He was a life member of the Bridgewater and Southern Tasmania Licenced Angler Association...