Surprise estuary perch capture

While fishing for Australian Salmon at the mouth of the Arthur River recently, keen recreational fisher Kenna managed to hook an unusual fish species.
This fish was an estuary perch (Percalates colonorum), which is a protected native species found only in the Arthur River.
After a quick photo, the fish was released unharmed back into the water.
With an estimated length of approximately 30 cm, this fish could be as old as 23 years!
As the silly season approaches, many more anglers will be heading to the north west coast to celebrate Christmas Day and see in the new year.
Just a quick reminder that if you end up encountering an estuary perch while fishing, it must be released as soon as possible.
Ongoing monitoring of the estuary perch population is currently being undertaken. To assist with this research and contribute to the sustainable management of this species, please report any tagged estuary perch if caught as bycatch while fishing for other species. Take note of the tag number before release, and report it to 1300 INFISH or email
Penalties apply for taking protected fish.
A detailed report of a recent 2023 survey in the Arthur River is currently being prepared.