Parks and Wildlife Service - seasonal campfire bans commencing 5 November 2024
Our friends at Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) have issued the following:
Tasmania experienced a warm winter this year. While soil dryness indices (SDI) shows that some areas have received good rainfall, deeper soil deficiencies persist, particularly in the west. Additionally, upper soil layers are notably dry in patches across the east and southeast, where incidents of uncontrolled private fires have already been reported.
In these conditions, campfires can easily escape, spread rapidly are difficult to control and threaten people in campgrounds and nearby communities.
Given this context, PWS intends to implement seasonal campfire bans as of 2:00 am on Tuesday the 5th of November 2024, across Reserved Land (as declared under the Nature Conservation Act 2002) within the following local government areas (LGAs):
- King Island
- Flinders Island
- Dorset
- Break O’Day
- Sorell
- Glamorgan - Spring Bay (including Maria Island)
This ban will also extend to Narawntapu National Parks.
Further areas may be added should conditions warrant.
Notable bans include the use of pot fires, as sparks, embers and disposal of ash from pot fires can also start bushfires.
Gas stoves and gas barbecues are permitted.
Last year there were 285 reports of unattended or illegal campfires on PWS managed land.
PWS wants to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable camping experience and appreciates assistance from visitors and the community in complying with fire restrictions.
For further information please visit our campfire website