Workshop to discuss drivers of ecological health in Central Highland waters

Workshop Participants

On 29 January 2025, Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) facilitated a workshop at Penstock Lagoon to discuss potential drivers of ecological health in our Central Highlands trout fisheries.

The workshop was attended by several AAT members, representatives from the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) and scientists from the University of Tasmania, Latrobe University and CSIRO.

The aims of the workshop were to discuss plans to build on the previous work undertaken by AAT members to improve our understanding mayfly population changes in our shallow inland waters (interim report available here) and to determine next steps in terms of further engagement with the angling community. 

There was broad agreement within the group that more research is required to understand the varied drivers potentially impacting on ecosystem health (including mayflies and other key indicator species) across several important Central Highland fisheries. 

Workshop participants are currently planning next steps, including the exploration of research funding opportunities to progress and expand on the initial work facilitated by AAT members.

📷 Anglers Alliance Tasmania

Workshop attendees (left to right): Andrew Reed (President of Tasmanian Fly Tyers Club and IFAC member), Professor Nick Bond (Freshwater Ecologist – Latrobe University), Dr. Justin Cappadonna (Lecturer in Entomology, University of Tasmania), Dr. Ryan Wilkinson (Director  - Inland Fisheries Service), Dr. Graham Hosie (retired federal Department of Environment scientist and currently biological advisor to Currawong Lakes Fishery), Dr Christopher Hilton (AAT), Rob Freeman (Acting Section Manager – Fisheries Management, Inland Fisheries Service), Gary France (AAT), Howard Jones (AAT and IFAC member), Dr. Ron Thresher (retired CSIRO research scientist and author of recently published book "Tasmanian Mayflies"), Malcom Crosse (AAT).

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