March 2025 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Search for redfin perch in the Huon Valley continues
On 12 March 2023, a redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) was caught by an angler in Mountain River, in the Huon Valley. It was reported to and confirmed by the IFS. Prior to this, redfin perch had not been found in this river, or in the Huon Valley. Extensive surveys have now been completed including farm...

Trout Recruitment Monitoring - Lake Sorell
This week the Inland Fisheries Service conducted monitoring at Lake Sorell to measure the success of recent trout recruitment events. The results from this work were positive with good numbers of trout fry found in and around the spawning creeks. Fry were also found spread out across rocky and weedy habitat around the entire lake. There...

Threatened Native Fish Monitoring - Woods Lake
During late February 2025, the Inland Fisheries Service carried out monitoring at Woods Lake for the threatened freshwater fish, the saddled galaxias (Galaxias tanycephalus). Until recently, Woods Lake has experienced a prolonged blue-green algal bloom that first appeared in February 2023. There has been concern about how the bloom might have impacted the saddled galaxias, as...