Inland Fisheries Service News

The Hydro Tasmania logo
Dec. 15, 2023

Message from Hydro Tasmania - Brady's Chain of Lakes

In February 2024, Hydro Tasmania needs to undertake some Aboriginal heritage surveys and technical infrastructure tests at Bradys Lake. These works are related a project we’re in the early stages of planning – you can find out more about what’s proposed by visiting The water level will be lowered 4.57 m below Full Supply...

Swan galaxias
Dec. 14, 2023

Saving the endangered Swan galaxias

The Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) has been working with NRM South, the CSIRO and the University of Tasmania, on a significant conservation project to ensure the long-term survival of the freshwater fish, the Swan galaxias (Galaxias fontanus). The Swan galaxias is; classified as endangered under Commonwealth and State threatened species legislation, identified as one of Australia’s...

Professor Jeramiah Smith from University of Kentucky searching for lamprey in the Lachlan River.
Dec. 13, 2023

Inland Fisheries Service collaborates with University of Kentucky lamprey scientist.

Dr. Jeramiah Smith, a professor from the University of Kentucky travelled to Tasmania in late October to collect samples from pouched lamprey (Geotria australis) that will be used to sequence the genome of this unique species. He also conducted field surveys in collaboration with Inland Fisheries Service officers, in search of lamprey nesting sites in...

The Hydro Tasmania logo
Dec. 8, 2023

Upgrade works at Lake Mackenzie

Hydro Tasmania are undertaking some upgrade works at Mackenzie Dam from next week. The planned work will have no impact on the lake or boat ramp; however, we are planning on upgrading the car parks and carrying out some other minor civil works including making the area more accessible for people with disabilities. There will...

A wild brown trout from Penstock Lagoon
Dec. 6, 2023

BE AWARE - Penstock Lagoon Fish Survey

From Monday 11 December to Wednesday 13 December 2023, the Inland Fisheries Service are planning to do a fish survey at Penstock Lagoon. This will involve the setting of a significant number of box traps, mostly around the shoreline. Anglers are asked to be mindful of this work and consider fishing at other locations. We...