July 2013 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Large rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon stocked into Craigbourne Dam
On the 26 July 2013, 150 Atlantic salmon and 150 rainbow trout were stocked into Craigbourne Dam, courtesy of Huon Aquaculture's Springfield Hatcheries. These trophy-sized fish ranged from 2 to 4 kg in weight, and were in exceptional condition. Fish of these size put up a tough and exciting fight when caught, and quite often...

Anglers access maintenance and improvements on northern rivers
During the closed season IFS staff have taken the opportunity to inspect, maintain and improve anglers access on northern rivers including the Lake, Macquarie, Meander and Leven and Brumbys Creek. Works included installation of a new footbridge downstream from Woolmers Bridge, upgrades to electric fence insulators, weed slashing and a 2 km extension to access...

Inland Fisheries Service provides training for Quarantine Tasmania
Inland Fisheries Service staff recently attended a training course for Quarantine officers at the DPIPWE Prospect offices. Due to the close working relationship between the IFS and Quarantine Tasmania, information towards the regulations based around the importation of freshwater fish, mollusc, and crustacean species were provided. The topics covered during the presentation to Quarantine staff...

Backpack electrofisher training course for IFS staff
Inland fisheries staff attended an internal training session on the efficient and safe use of backpack electrofishers. The course was run by the Senior Carp Technical Officer and the Senior Fisheries Management Officer, and consisted of a theory and practical session at the New Norfolk headquarters and the Plenty Salmon ponds, respectively. IFS staff were...

Lake Barrington and Brushy Lagoon stocked with big rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon
Last week (third week in July) the IFS stocked Lake Barrington and Brushy Lagoon with ex-brood stock Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. These fish were kindly donated by Huon Aquaculture from their Springfield Hatchery. Both the Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout averaged 3 kg, ranging between two and four kilograms. One hundred and fifty of...