May 2013 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

This haul of whitebait cost the offenders over $3500.00.
May 29, 2013

Heavy fine for whitebait poachers

Two men appeared in the Launceston Magistrates Court on Tuesday 21 May 2013 and pleaded guilty to taking and possessing 2.65 kilograms of whitebait, and to using a non permitted net at the Tomahawk River during October 2012. The court heard that Inland Fisheries Officers apprehended the defendants at the Tomahawk River which is a...

Lagoon of Islands no longer to be used as a water storage or a fishery.
May 28, 2013

Lagoon of Islands decommissioned by Hydro Tasmania

Hydro Tasmania today (30 April 2013) announced work to decommission the dam at Lagoon of Islands in Tasmania’s central highlands and rehabilitate the site to a natural state is nearing completion. Manager Sustainability and Safety Andrew Scanlon said the project is in keeping with Hydro Tasmania’s reputation for sustainable water management and environmental leadership. “This...

The ever popular kids ponds where young anglers can catch a fish for the family dinner.
May 22, 2013

Another successful Trout Weekend

Over the last weekend the Inland Fisheries Service opened the doors of its Liawenee field station to the public. Over the two days around 3500 people visited the site to see the annual brown trout spawning run at its peak. The highlight was the thousands of trout that were on show but the patrons were...

The near completed ramp at Woods Lake will provide greater access at all lake levels.
May 13, 2013

Woods Lake Boat Ramp upgrade nearing completion

Funded through MAST’s Recreational Boating Fund 2012 and project managed by IFS the upgrade of the Woods Lake boat ramp is nearing completion and will be a significant improvement for the 2013/14 angling season. Construction was delayed until the end of the angling season to minimise disruption to anglers and take advantage of lowest possible...

The Arthurs Lake Dam breakwater has been increasedto provide greater protection for launch and retrieve of boats.
May 13, 2013

Breakwater height at Arthurs Lake increased

Due to recent record high water levels in Arthurs Lake MAST and IFS have increased the height of the breakwater at the Arthurs Lake Dam Wall boat ramp by a further 1.2m. The project was funded through MAST’s maintenance program and project managed by IFS. This latest work increases the breakwater above the Full Supply...