July 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

July 27, 2016

Ten sleeps to go

Saturday August 6 is the opening of the brown trout waters which signals the start of the 2016-17 brown trout season. We thought we’d count down the days by looking at the fishing ahead because the season looks so good. What a change there has been in the weather since the start of May. It...

July 26, 2016

Fish for Blackmans Lagoon

We’ve stocked 235 wild brown trout into Blackmans Lagoon. Averaging 700 grams, these are ideal stock out fish. Blackmans Lagoon is in the North East, not too far from Bridport. It is known for producing trophy size brown trout. We hope to stock Blackmans Lagoon again with about 1000 yearlings (year old fish) in spring....

July 26, 2016

Fish for junior angling dams

Brett Mawbey, our Manager of Stocking, sure has been busy. Two junior angling dams were stocked today with Atlantic salmon to support their clubs’ junior development program. It will also promote this year’s opening of the brown trout season which is not far away (6 August). Devonport Anglers Club run Taylors junior angling dam at...

Atlantic Salmon at Saltas, Wayatinah
July 25, 2016

Brushy Lagoon is open for business

We put 400 Atlantic salmon into Brushy Lagoon today. Average weight of 1.5kg. Thanks very much to Saltas at Wayatinah for donating the fish. We were able to stock Brushy Lagoon today because the bridges are fixed. Thanks to the Parks and Wildlife Service. Both bridges on the way to Brushy Lagoon have been repaired...

July 22, 2016

Whitebait offender guilty

On Monday 11 July, Matthew Barry Wall of Sheffield was convicted of whitebait offences. He was fined $2300, plus $81.09 in court costs. This is the second time Mr Wall has been found guilty on whitebait charges. The offences took place on the Mersey River in October 2015 when it was closed to whitebait fishing....