March 2018 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

IFS' Neil Morrow testing the light at Cramps Bay after battery replacement
March 5, 2018

Supporting safe boating on Hydro Tasmania lakes

In 2014 Hydro Tasmania and IFS installed navigation lights at 30 major boat ramps around Tasmania with financial support from Marine and Safety Tasmania's (MAST) Recreational Boating Fund (RBF). These lights are automatically activated on dusk or low light and provide guidance for boaters to navigate safely back to their launch point. The lights are...

Marine and Safety Tasmania logo
March 2, 2018

M35-18 Dunrobin Bridge – Lake Meadowbank

Mariners are advised that BridgePro Engineering undertaking maintenance works to the Dunrobin Bridge commenced on Monday, 26 February 2018 and concluding in May 2018. A low level barge will be used to facilitate the works. The barge will have a marker buoy installed on either side of the works in the span in which it...

Inland Fisheries Service Report to Anglers - December 2017 to February 2018 cover page
March 2, 2018

Report to Anglers – December 2017 to February 2018

On Sunday 25 February, Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) met for the first time in 2018. Marcus Ambrose made available Thousand Lakes Lodge as the meeting venue. John Diggle and Neil Morrow represented the IFS. John and Neil presented the first IFS Report to Anglers for 2018. Covering December 2017 to February 2018 the Report is...

The sign that was recently stolen
March 1, 2018

Sign stolen from Talbots Lagoon

The Inland Fisheries Service has invested significant time and anglers licence fees towards improving access and information at Talbots Lagoon in the North West. Works have included the installation of information signs for visiting anglers with a map of the lagoon showing access points, walking tracks and access rules. This information is essential to ensure...

Rubbish from the Interlaken area
March 1, 2018

Carp team cleans up

Staff from the IFS Carp Management Program spent the day cleaning up the Dago Point Campsites, Interlaken Road from the boat ramp turn off to the Oatlands turn off, then continuing on from Tunbridge Tier Road to the Mountain Creek turn off. The dago point campsites were surprisingly clean, with the majority of rubbish being...