Inland Fisheries Service News

Rainbow trout being stocked at Curries River Reservoir
June 5, 2024

Stocking program in full swing

Recent wet weather has triggered brown trout to start their spawning migration into Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) traps. This has enabled the IFS to begin stocking Tasmania’s Assisted Fisheries. So far, nearly 2,000 fish have been stocked into Four Springs Lake. Curries River Reservoir and South Riana Dam will receive fish in the next few days....

Windsor Corner fishing platform
May 29, 2024

Windsor Corner fishing platform repaired

The IFS has completed repairs to the accessible fishing platform at Windsor Corner on the River Derwent. The platform was built by the New Norfolk Licenced Anglers Association in the early 2000's and has served as a popular angling and picnic spot ever since. Part of the timber walkway had deteriorated and has been replaced...

Bradys Lake
May 29, 2024

Opening of the Bradys Lake system for angling from 1 June 2024

The Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) has decided to open the Bradys Lake system (including Bradys Lake, Lake Binney and Tungatinah Lagoon) for recreational angling from 1 June 2024. Opening of the Bradys Lake system for recreational angling from 1 June 2024 is permitted via an exemption permit issued by the Director of Inland Fisheries, under...

Lake Mikany boat ramp
May 15, 2024

Lake Mikany boat ramp complete

We are pleased to report that the Lake Mikany boat ramp is now complete and will be available for use at the start of the 2024-25 season. The dry autumn and subsequent low lake level provided an opportunity for the ramp to be built to a lower level than originally anticipated. We would like to thank...

Julia and Izzy enjoying planting day
May 13, 2024

Successful planting day on the Tyenna

On Saturday 11 May, eight enthusiastic volunteers including Izzy Tiggelaven, our youngest volunteer ever, enjoyed planting 244 native trees, shrubs and grasses along the Tyenna River at Maydena. This work is part of the ongoing rehabilitation of the Tyenna River by the Inland Fisheries Service, Derwent Catchment Project and SFM Lenah Estate. Planting included blackwood, hakea...