August 2012 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Lake Kara gets salmon and more broodstock for Brushy Lagoon
Lake Kara was stocked on 24 August 2012 with 450 Atlantic salmon averaging just under 2kg, the fish were donated by Saltas from Wayatinah. This is a fishery that has always struggled to show good results but is a popular water amongst North West anglers. Hopefully this trial stocking may result in some good catches...

Season's off to a great start, remember to renew your licence!
This season has started really well with fish being caught from fisheries all over the state. Over the weekend inspectors visited a number of fisheries in the North and South of the state to find anglers having success wherever they went. Craigbourne Dam has been popular with fresh stocks of Atlantic salmon put in there...

Limit your take, don't take your limit!
While many of Tasmania's inland fisheries are self sustaining and can easily sustain harvests that would occur should everyone take their bag limit, there are a few that definitely cannot. Generally the fisheries that require stocking have reduced bag limits but even these waters risk being fished out if bag limits are taken regularly. Where...

Bad weather didn’t stop anglers on opening weekend 2012/13
Despite dire weather forecasts for Saturday and Sunday many anglers headed out for the opening weekend of the new season. While bad weather did eventuate on the Sunday, Saturday was not too bad as a start to the season. There is little that will deter a keen angler for the start of the season. Inland...

Improvements at Arthurs Lake in time for the 2012/13 season.
The IFS has completed an upgrade of Gunns Marsh Road from Jonah Bay to the northern end of Cowpaddock Bay. This road has deteriorated over recent years and was becoming a real obstacle for anglers. Due to higher lake levels over the past two seasons the Cowpaddock and Tumbledown bays have become increasingly popular therefore...