November 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Salmon like this one (stocked previously) are now available at Craigbourne Dam.
Nov. 21, 2014

More salmon stocked into Craigbourne Dam

This week (19 & 20 November) the IFS stocked Atlantic salmon into Craigbourne Dam. A total of 710 fish were stocked over the two days. The fish averaged 2.5 kilograms in weight and are all male. Thanks to Saltas Wayatinah hatchery for the donation. Anglers are reminded that there is a five fish bag limit...

Before fishing a water it is important to understand the rules.
Nov. 19, 2014

Inland Fishing Rules

The IFS fields enquiries from time to time regarding the regulation of inland recreational fishing particularly the licence, seasons, methods, size limits, bag limits and hours of fishing which apply. The reason there is no single rule for Tasmania diverse range of river and lake fisheries is in part due to tradition but also the...

photo from Todd Walsh
Nov. 17, 2014

Prosecution of lobster poachers

As a result of a joint Inland Fisheries Service/ Parks and Wildlife Service surveillance operation on the Emu River two people were convicted of taking and possessing giant freshwater crayfish in the Burnie Magistrates Court on 4 November 2014. After pleading guilty one offender was fined $1,510 and $78.44 in costs. The second offender was...

Nov. 17, 2014

Intensive netting of carp in Lake Sorell underway.

With a large proportion of carp in Lake Sorell due to mature this coming season, there is a need to ensure that not only is spawning prevented, but as many of the remaining carp as possible are removed from the lake. An intensive gill netting program is underway in combination with radio tracking, traps, fyke...

Historic shots like this one from the Shannon Rise are eligible for the competition.
Nov. 17, 2014

Photographic competition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of trout in Tasmania

Trout Guides & Lodges Tasmania have launched a photographic competition for anglers as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations in Tasmania. Competition entries are now open and run until 31 March 2015 so the current season is included. Entry is free and there are some great prizes. Competition categories are: - 150th season action :...